Show instructions

How to generate a connection token:

  1. Open this link
  2. Select a user (ORG_ADMIN advised)
  3. Click on “Générer un lien de connexion” then click on “Lien de connexion” to copy url in your clipboard
  4. You should get an url like that:
  5. Copy the content of the url after %5C and put a \ at the beginning of the string
  6. You should now have a connection token looking like this: \x2431e8405aa93837eca4d5262c93f9c6a81d52cdb836f0f7
  7. Copy the connection token you get before inside the input field “Connection token”
  8. Click on the Submit button.
  9. You should now be connected
  10. The connection token is consumed after it is used. Generate a new one each time you want to make a new connection